Side Effects Of Using A Breast Pump

mother care nursing products Malaysia

One of your mother care nursing products Malaysia is a breast pump that you just bought so you can easily feed your baby for the time being. Maybe it is difficult to breastfeed your baby because work is catching up to you or you feel too ill to even keep your baby steady in your arms. In such conditions, it would likely be a bad move.

Everything has pros and cons and a breast pump is no exception. It may make breastfeeding flow smoother like a river with little to no boulders, but you should still be aware of side effects that you may receive if you use too much of the device.

Nipple Confusion

mother care nursing products Malaysia

There is a reason why you shouldn’t breastfeed your baby so early with a breast pump. Your baby is already hardwired to recognize your nipple based on texture, taste and smell, which is unique to your baby. To do that, they must be exposed often to your chest, and always receive milk from your nipples in the early stages.

If you introduce your breast pump instead, they might mistake it for your actual nipple and will reject the latter when you are trying to breastfeed naturally. The same case goes to a milk bottle too, and if you are planning to feed your baby with one, at least wait until they are a month old or you and them are already established in your breastfeeding business.

Milk Supply Reduction

The more frequently you pump your milk out with a breast pump, the more you might deplete your natural milk supply. Feeding your baby with your own breasts is different than letting the pump do the job of extracting your milk as your baby is the stimulator of increased milk production.

Without your baby latching onto you to drink milk, your milk production will be reduced and in the worst case scenario, you may not be able to feed your baby with your own milk. “What about any excess breast milk that you keep in the freezer?” You might ask.

Though your bottle of milk can last long with that chilly method of preservation, the vital nutrients that your baby needs in their early years will be depleted when your milk is kept frozen for more than three months. This nutritional depletion also happens when you are thawing and reheating that frozen milk.

Breast Engorgement Risk

You should pump out your milk only when you are about to feed your baby and not every day to store extra for the future. Besides the milk’s nutritional loss, you will also get the risk of breast engorgement as your frequent pumping introduces too many hormones that your breast swells and is filled with too much milk.

This can be dangerous as you might get mastitis, a painful infection to the milk ducts. The only way to avoid such a consequence is to never pump more than you need for your baby. When they are properly introduced to milk bottles and could start eating proper foods, you probably won’t even have to pump your breast anymore.

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